Sunday, January 24, 2016

Valentine's Day Breakfast

I seriously have so much fun making my son breakfast every morning.  Half the week it's usually cherries and a banana but I try really hard to make sure that a few days a week he gets a nice, hot, hearty breakfast.  The look on his face when he sees fun cut-out's and hearing him say "wow Mommy, so nice, this is so delicious" is worth the extra effort.  Which actually really isn't a whole lot of effort at all.  I swear. Just maybe two extra minutes to make his plate a little more "fun" looking.   We also practice all our shapes, colors and letters during this so actually it's quite educational and not just completely for our enjoyment.  Here are some fun Valentine's Day breakfast ideas you can make that your kiddies (or even significant others) will love.
First step, get yourself some heart shaped cookie cutters.  This time of year you can fine them ANYWHERE, the dollar store, target, supermarkets, grocery stores, etc.  They are so easy to find, so inexpensive and you can do so much with them, (not just cut out food) I use them as stencils for crafting projects.  As soon as you have that, the possibilities are endless and you can pretty much cut out anything bread or egg breakfast-related with a cookie-cutter.  Here are some things that I've recently made....

Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jelly
This was seriously my favorite sandwich growing up.  I never could decide if I wanted pb&j or cream cheese and jelly so one day my mom decided to put it all on a sandwich and well, it was heaven.  Seriously, try it.  It is SO insanely good!  It must run in the family too because my son is totally a fan and even my peanut butter loving husband now asks for a little added cream cheese on his pb&j.  
The extra little scraps of bread you do not have to throw out.  I save them in a bag and keep it in the fridge.  When I have a good amount I make some homemade croutons out of them.  Just toss in a pan with some olive oil, s&p and garlic powder until toasted.

Heart Shaped French Toast with Bananas
Just cut out the heart shapes first (or you could even do it after if you'd like) and dunk the bread into a mixture of egg, milk, vanilla and cinnamon.  Melt 1 tsp butter into a cast iron skillet on medium heat and cook each side 3-4 minutes.

Heart Shaped potatoes
Slice each potato.  Cut with small heart cutter.  Brush potatoes with olive oil and season generously with salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.  For the eggs I just scrambled and baked in a greased heart shaped pie pan.  

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